Not for close minded...please skip if homophobic...and keep comments to oneself...
Technically were we meant to have same sex as casual sex...?...I warned U...but...not all must participate, I'm just saying...perhaps, at least hold off on the intercourse...
Condoms are available...but...we still have 8 billion people on either their not working or Ur not using...a positive would B that ...This would B a natural form of birth control...
Abstinence clearly does not get that idea out of your mind, parents...
when U R ready for a serious relationship or when the man earns the right to the woman ...and... the woman earns the right to the man...equality... they would mate....would have avoided over population, teen pregnancy, many divorces...
This would eliminate needless abortions that R because of unexpected pregnancies...
But still this is a tough subject to many R still close minded...
Developing Mars is not going to be a backup plan...anything done to mars will be to create a planet that mimics Earth as much as possible...But...peoples expectations might be unrealistic...
How long do U all think it took the Earth to develop...but...don't forge that God cannot create something out of nothing...
We were put on this Earth to survive sustainably...Earning was not meant to be Financial...but...rather to move our World forward...while we are to believe their is life after life...but instead... we destroy while holding the World back...we Have erased God from belief...we Stick poison in our bodies to heal and to not...
school prayer in the past was totally misunderstood...A belief was pounded in that reciting a preset list of words, out loud, was somehow prayer...Prayer is actually sitting quietly while talking to ourselves in our minds...U can do it out loud if U want...choose what U would like, I guess...not saying it's's all a translation after all...
I'm a bit confused on the speed of light...perhaps it's my understanding or lack U use a set strength of light...?...because the speed of light might be determined by the strength of light...might this B correct...?...Wouldn't light be instantaneous but determined by the strength...?...
How can U overturn a decision already made...?.,..Would U not make a new one...?...This just proves U would B better off with 3 judges per case at the Supreme Court Level...the 3 judges discuss, debate and then vote...
Empathy helps eliminates pure Evil...
I've mentioned B4 that we weren't meant to earn financially...So U ask then how do we earn...?...Well one of the ways would be a point system...essentially just converting from dollars to points...This would make a lot of sense for the use of cryptocurrencies...instead of buying a home say 500,000 $ it would cost U 500,000 points...U would earn Ur points, keep them in a digital wallet, and then trade them in...
This would be essentially what the fed is doing by printing money...Being taken off the Gold Standard...But a lot cheaper...and eliminates the middle man...perhaps...
If U could make this hack proof, a tall order...but...U'd be able to trace all funds going through the blockchain... because it eliminates the middle man, outside.....perhaps...accounting becomes auto Matic...perhaps...
Not even mentioning the World benefits if this was adopted, Worldwide...We R able to make the dollar transactable safely...why can't we make digital currency, safe...?
The physical dollar may make some fear crypto as it is currently just a tool...perhaps...
Excuse this naive question...but...isn't a digital currency, based off point system, free of world problems within that country...?...perhaps allowing for set price without the need 4 inflation, without the need 4 inflation. Perhaps....
When U reach adulthood...Ur suppose to stop playing with GI can become a collector instead...
Pertains to google glass type (camera glasses)...4 emergency personnel...You can make goggle like glasses with a band... to help keep them in place during a pursuit... the goggle like design would also protect the eye's if sprayed in the face...Automatically upload to a cloud which later they could reference...
Is one of the reasons, why economies fluctuate because we all have separate currencies...?
Could taxing a Billionaire B 2 provide opportunities...?......................... ........invest in infrastructure...?...this is essentially what taxes R 2 B used 4...
If we developed a technology that would input ones physical feelings on the other the users feelings through the as the user would feel exactly to what the other side feels...
Would the user experience the same results...???...for example...the same muscle gain, simply by feeling the strains and aches...?...???...Probably not without putting physical strain on the muscle...But I wonder if their would B any gain...???...and if the user would then feel exertion once leaving the metaverse...???[
It's not Corona killing U...It's Poor healthcare...Perhaps...
Technically if we lived in a perfect World...Masks would only be worn by the sick...and... perhaps, not the temporary kind or made of fabric...but...the proper type...everyone else would B by choice...
I think the idea of gifts meant hand made... just's the thought that counts... translated means hand made...just saying...Jus_t Saying...