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Thinking Out Loud 111

Writer's picture: GWGW

Intention...Is it still intention... if not intended ...but...action resulted...I would suspect No...but...may depend on intention of action...


I find it amazing that we have cameras that can see a license plate from the sky but a multi million dollar plane only has a radar and U debrief...wouldn't it be easier to have video explaining what U saw...?...Or a video of the Dog Fight...?...Are video cameras that difficult...?...Or is it hush, hush for a reason...

They seem to have cameras of missiles blowing targets up...?...


I think we have certain terms confused...for instance..."girl"+"friend" is suppose to be just that...and perhaps...fiancée is suppose to be...a person you R dating seriously...which in translation is correct...

through my understanding fiancée is perhaps how far we were meant to go...but...because early on in brain evolution we tend to over complicate matters...we added marriage...because we needed to add security for the Capitalistic World we chose...


Makes One wonder but does time travel really mean to travel interplanetary ...Does traveling back in time really mean traveling to another galaxy...traveling to another world...What is our order of galaxies created in the Universe...How long has life in the universe really existed...


I thought Hops and beer overall was plant based...?.


Many music only channels on YouTube... which is fine...but...they tend to have one image throughout it's entirety...Perhaps have a new image per song or transition...perhaps have images tell a story...perhaps have images the focus while the focus of U DJ'ing is in the corner of the screen... Sometimes think out of the box to stand out from the rest...perhaps...


just saw a commercial for a bionic should have a video camera that records when the sensor is activated and turns on... and...motion sensor tracking...recording image and movement...perhaps record to a cloud...that stuff is probably already available anyways...but this was solar powered...


I came to a conclusion...You are all born Bi...Being gay or straight is a label...made by man to over complicate and cause for racist actions.........

loving a person means just love the individual...

Many try to convince their brain of a label...Just Be U...God or a higher power can read Ur mind... anyways.........So who R u lying to...

I started off writing a thought...which became a can of worms quickly...I found out that the more things R explained...the more confusing it gets and U open yourself to attack...lessen learned...tried to use the word...choice...but that gives the wrong deleted it...


I don't like the term Alien...just like the term Resident Alien...


I was thinking immortality this morning and thought...what if...a person is recorded from birth, like surveillance but recorded to a cloud...only available through warrant...but when U pass...that recording of your entire history is uploaded to a robot that is an exact replica...through age say 24...U eventually develop your own attitude, like Sophia demonstrated...U already have Ur history recorded...

Lamborghini already demonstrated a self healing car...that technology will only get bigger...joints perhaps will get stronger through use ...I believe Elon hit the side of the cybertruck with a sledgehammer...that technology will only grow...They will figure out how to deal with maintenance...No healthcare...You will recharge through walking...U will never gain weight...sensors will stimulate feeling...U will have the ultimate senses, eyesight, and more details...

might this be how we end up immortal...makes one wonder...makes a lot of sense...

Rogan once talked about uploading our brains and living in a virtual world or something of this nature...this idea might have been what he meant...


Computers are Replicas of our brains...

When one claims they were legally dead but somehow are still living...well's like when I shutoff my computer, the screen goes blank but my desktop is still on...this may very on hardware...but...The concept still makes sense...

When one is in a coma it perhaps is like your computer getting a blue screen and freezing...

It's all in the translation...


Another what if...once you understand who God is...and how God works...It all starts to make sense...Nature has nature do it's physical work for it...Humans which R animals are a part of nature...

When it is said that God created earth...does it mean he had ET's do the physical work...creating the communicating to them through their minds...God being nature can only do so much on his own...he is just a member of the team...doing his job or part...

Even though Natural earth seems highly landscaped...but probably or maybe not in the creation...but have ET's figured out how to create an earth like planet from an existing planet...that's what I mean when I say perhaps ET's have something to do in the creation of earth...Working with Nature which in translation is Working with God...or...Working with Mother Nature which is another term for God but making a he a

How long have ET's existed if they do...which I believe with certainty they do...How have they evolved...?...To those who are giggling right now...maybe U can explain the plants and insects...but I would love to hear Ur explanations for mammals...and then I will be the one

Then their R those who will insist it was God that created them...and then I'll just laugh and not answer because clearly they have reading comprehension issue'

Again this is a what if...?...Open your minds... to question... what we have been taught with such certainty...

Is it our Job to perhaps bring back Mars and create a Earth like world or planet...?...Creating an ecosystem...


I'm going to give my opinion on commercials on YouTube...just an opinion...but...I think that folks who make longer type commercials...really do a disservice to themselves...with the skip button available...people do not have the attention sit through many of them...just post as a video on your site while giving a 30 sec commercial pointing them to it...if interested they will go and watch it their... so you are most likely wasting your marketing money on these1 hour long videos played as a commercial or infomercial...YouTube very likely wants premium subscriptions but have a skip button for the non premium users...I could be very wrong so take my advice with a grain of salt...perhaps...

as I sit through them...some are rather really take my rant added think about...


I don't think cannabis was originally meant to be burned with a flame...back in the day it was probably inserted in a wood pipe and put on charcoal...when the pipe would catch a flame on it as if it was burning (and then blown off)... was like a timer signaling that it was ready...perhaps...maybe...just a guess...

Because when U light the entire bud you R burning all the Trichomes at the highest heat (the higher the heat the stronger it is)...all at once...and they might overwhelm your brain...and cause the dazed and confused look...perhaps...

But when U toast... U burn off most likely the freshest Trichomes (maybe the strongest) and wake up the ones imbedded in the plant...which could be the actual ones that heal (maybe) or just fewer Trichomes... as not to overwhelm ...and then taken in moderation...this then gave me a non dazed feeling...This is only my guess...and... not to be taken as fact...But many Doctors deem a negative outlook without truly investigating...and what pisses me they forward that negativity...adding to the stigma...


U all have to much time on Ur hands...majority of U have never faced any real danger...and U do nothing but many of you fantasize about violence...and a person wonders why they have it as is...It's sad that entertainment makers assume that all people are on a level playing field mentally...U want to showcase violence then don't act surprised when it's in the real world...U will never stamp out violence in this manner...Sometimes I feel like saying you deserve what U get...but I have to share this fucked up World with U all... through the doings of many...who R meant to protect...


is there software that can turn a video into a animation or a camera or video recorder that can record in animation mode...?


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