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Thinking Out Loud 115

Writer's picture: GWGW

Earth's core is growing lopsidedly

Could a possible reason be... perhaps... because we are mining all the minerals and resources out of the ground ...and... replacing with trash (landfills)...which is causing a disruption in the planet...perhaps...a thought to ponder...I cannot reiterate this too much...but...Everything is Connected...that's how the Universe is Sustainable...and when a part is no longer sustainable to live with the rest...the planet will destroy it can rebuild itself...if it still can...perhaps...that's perhaps why it might use the three strike rule...


another possible reason ...perhaps...might or could it be forming new mountains for future inhabitants...?...or a higher ground...perhaps even a future island or continent...?......expecting a arctic melt...not sure how mountains are formed or developed...? I'm throwing in a grain of salt...This is a possible thought only... but questions (thoughts) lead to answers...

A planet destroying itself...might...this be the cause of always said...Everything happens for Reason......So even if asteroids are caused by planets running into each others orbital path...remember...Everything happens for reason...


The Universe is constantly moving forward...not going back...hence...Again... is not the answer...hence...Back to the Future......we could be living...hence...this could be reason for simulation feelings...Remember everything is your

God (?) cell...could be communicating with other God cells in the Universe... communicating with a large data bank...hence...having feelings of simulation...hence...allowing instinct to always have the answer...perhaps...

This is another example of Brain Evolution...your God cell is developed at time of it has all prior info before your birth... from the parents...the smarter you make yourself the more you can decipher...then your child...gets your genes. and significant as it develops the God has your upgrades and possibilities in it's brain ...but... increases the chip speed and processing power the smarter it makes itself...hence giving it's child even greater opportunities...and so... that in a loop mode... would be how Brain Evolution works...I Hope this makes sense...

to be exact...your child gets 1/2 Your genes and 1/2 of significant other...that's as detailed as I will get...but...unsure how that is actually translated...although 50/50...the potential could be full and beyond...Anyways the concept is the same...


Do U think we might have to make the military mandatory...that way we as a hole would want to become more diplomatic seeking PEACE first...PERHAPS...opinions...?

Intelligence people as a whole... are suppose to shy away from wars...shy away from violence...shy away from crime...become more open minded...become more accepting.........Intelligence happens over time...hence...

that is how the brain is suppose to evolve...


"A man is never a women"...Is an incorrect statement..."A biological man is never a biological woman" the correct statement...a man or woman might think and feel they are the opposite sex in the mind...Details are important...


Did I mention before I really hate the Like systems in social turns me off...besides that, it annoys the f**k out of me...welll... I wouldn't go that me...

Only because my level of empathy for others is so high...which gives a cursed feeling at times...thinking...Realizing that ...perhaps... others may one day see the results...and mistranslate... whether liked or not...loved...angry...etc...In reality I shouldn't care about petty things like this...but... for reasons my character does...

One way I could have combatted this feeling was if I never marked anything...if social media insists on this then ...perhaps... have it automatic...monitor seconds or time spent on pictures...posts...articles......have results in being in anonymous mode...perhaps...


Ok...this one should make you time your lying out in the Sun...perhaps...but...anyways, since the Sun gives off radiation...Is it...or... would it be a be used as a video like/type device ...or... some sort of a kind of status...or...disruption...?......basically would other beings such as intelligent ET's ...perhaps... be able to monitor the Earth... by the rays of the sun...which are then sent to Saturn...then transmitted through out the Universe...I told U... it's one that would make you wonder...Remember everything is connected...


I still can't get over the fact that we cover the woman's breast's ...but... stare at topless the same time being


These are only thoughts to think about and to improve upon...

Perhaps...a possibility...haven't totally thought it through yet...but...what if social media assigned a serial number to your account...and sold that number...rather then your personal would be known as #111111 when you use the site...I think most people care about the fact that their personal info is being sold not necessarily what they's just about anonymity...


you get a serial number ...assigned for whenever you use the internet... that follows you...whenever you use the when you purchase something or visit a are only a number...but...when U purchase something send over your required info...but they only know U as #111111...perhaps...

what if your (Personal Info) was sent + (Financial)...or...filled pressing a fingerprint button on your ...or... similar non phone model...when hardwired by your computer...or at brick an mortar...

Ur financial info only available ...or... to be used by finger print...or...combination of multiple...

No more credit card numbers...or any numbers + passwords...all info given or received by bodily identifiers...yours and or guardians...


would a carbon fiber bat be effective or even perhaps legal...?...maybe the light weight nature is good for little league...?


In my honest opinion...because it just came to mind...but...high resolution 8k screens..., besides the added clarity... colors... and... vividness...which I greatly appreciate...which makes ...sports ...and... animations... as well as... old 4:3 shows in 4:3... as well as...documentaries... also...look awesome...I think however ...that certain movies look more ...soap opera like... then do as which I might prefer at 1080p...perhaps...Just food for thought...but perhaps...have a quick switch for 1080p... when watching a movie............or............maybe it's just my eyes...


...For those calling or thinking of Anarchy...In order to have a state of must have a crimeless order to have a crimeless need to have full on surveillance of...everyone... everywhere...

and everything...possible recording to the cloud and requiring a warrant or death to access video well as a possible money free or currency free other words society...

Law...another name for = Rules...

Order = Consequences for breaking the Law or Rules...

Law and Order...the meaning is often misunderstood by many


When and if we gain immortality ...and... we are turned into robots...too gain you think they would put a satellite... into space... that would work as ...a data base... for all chips in our heads...kind of like a cell phone we could easier read what is on each others to react in certain situations...a data base for deep learning...?...what one would learn...we all would learn... simultaneously... as a same time.........hmm, maybe...

What if you have to earn your way to immortality at the second level...and...learn to earn here on earth...learn to work with each prepare us for the future...perhaps............makes sense to me...


God would be the founder...of the Universe ...and... ET's would be the CEO's...


What if we are to figure out what to do with each planet in our solar system...?,,,In other words figure out how they could or can be inhabited...perhaps develop an ecosystem to work...if possible...?...

You all are thinking space travel beyond our galaxy...but...we can barely make it to the if we cannot and will not travel on our own...outside the galaxy...for reason... perhaps we can in the future ...but... only in drone format...only...perhaps... it all begins to make sense...

There could be a reason they are trying to keep us down ...or...and... prevent us from figuring things out...They actually could be shaping the they can fear monger about the needs for supposedly keep us safe...If you create an unsafe environment... then you instill fear... which can work on our psyche...hence 9/11.........They have everyone distracted...Evil is starting to join forces...what we see as evil only a distraction evil itself...


OK this one is way in left field...but...perhaps something down the line can come from it...but...lets assume we are kept an eye on by the mentioned recently...does that mean you can transmit a video signal from space to solar paneled homes or a hub that transmits that signal\ by wire to homes...Not sure how that would work in the evenings...except to have hubs around the world so you can receive signal round the clock...also unsure how it would work when cloudy.........unless rays strong enough to perhaps penetrate cloudiness...

Unless you went from the sun to a satellite...would you be able to combat cloudy days...

In the evening perhaps somehow off the reflection of the moon...but...that might be iffy....


Before we think of colonizing Mars...we very likely need to develop an ecosystem...first...we can work on underground tunnels at the same time...perhaps...but we'll need to figure out the temperatures and other around the planet...seasons...etc. ...and... develop an atmosphere first...then develop an ecosystem so we can eventually become interplanetary with earth...and make Mars self sustainable...this could be the reason we developed CRISPER...for the ability of developing Mars...NOT to fuckin I am sure us and other clueless leaders are doing...


Pay workers a living wage or make the wage livable to Pay the workers...You know Balance the Checks...yeah, We forgot about that part...

Do costs need to go up...?...Think about it...Can't you reset the currency back to a lower level...of course the bankers will scream inflation...but that is just a reason to raise prices increase sales amounts...


we discover earth tike planets by telescope...and...we assume they have no residents already ...but...perhaps they are placed at a different time periods of history...perhaps the ET's goals are to observe if a human species will figure it out and at what point of evolution...


Message to Atheist's or question rather...where did life come from...please explain why you are how you are...?...when I mean life... I mean all animals that need a mother to give Birth ...and... a male version... to impregnate... outside of a laboratory...and anyone else can take a crack at the answer...And do not answer...a higher power or God...without explaining how...


If the Earth is flat...doesn't that make night impossible...?

Do you all believe in Gravity...that would explain night...but that would mean the Earth is rectangle


How come no one has discovered the bottom or underside, perhaps backside of Earth...


Can someone explain to me how it can be night in one part ...and... day in another...if the Earth is flat...

Next someone will say "The Sun shuts off ...hahaha...hahaha

Next debate will be "Who shuts the Sun off"...hahahaha...haha

Human Education at it's finest...


Is it OK for me to reiterate "Stupid is as Stupid does"...Not directed towards anyone...It just that writing it down or typing it...keeps me from screaming it...

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