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Thinking Out Loud 127 In Words

Writer's picture: GWGW

... Good Morning...

A grape grown in one region is a different variant then a grape grown in another region...The coffee bean grown in one region is different variant then a coffee bean grown in another region...A variant started in one region would be different than a variant started in another the same vaccine would not work, necessarily...

Booster shots make the current vaccine (for 1 variant) stronger...

Why would a virus need to get stronger if it wasn't fighting something...I'm perhaps a Simpleton and admittingly Don't know...but why have patients being treated all alike...even though everyone knew the old method killed...and why did patients agree to this...?...

Every year a new vaccine is needed for the flu...Could it possibly be a stronger variant...than the year before...?...Now you put a fancy name to it like covid add a 19...and everybody panics without thinking...perhaps...perhaps, a big perhaps...perhaps, even a bigger perhaps...but now you are at least thinking...

Calm down I no it's not the regular flu bug...but...perhaps modified...

Could the constant vaccines start to cause an immunity from the vaccine antibiotics...?

If it is true (perhaps) that a dog can lick you to immunity (have no idea- just thinking out loud)...then Perhaps ...a swab for your nose dipped in a solution...replicating a dogs saliva... is all you would need...for immunity...rather then a shot of poison...?...or simply adopt a dog and buy a jar of Peanut butter...? ...maybe, perhaps...Although with constant variants getting stronger licking could be less potent...perhaps

Why would a virus need to get stronger if it wasn't fighting something...?

w/ that would a a dogs saliva... work...honestly don't know...besides that it would be natural (something to think about) ...and a lick might not be all you need...see...the thing about natural often need to be combined with another or multiple.... work...You're all looking for a miracle one step solution...that's why you all are poisoning your bodies...

Perhaps if a dog has a natural diet...then perhaps his lick is more effective...because of his or her diet...might a wild wolf's saliva perhaps work better than a domesticated dog...they have no hospitals in the wild...Remember nature has the answers but we as a society, look to nature as the culprit and then ask man to save us...with man-made...

How come

The problem with people is... one follows one extreme... while the other believes in the opposite extreme...Never settling in the middle...


I once spoke of becoming an exceptional man...I've given this more thought hear this out...What if...well let me start this another way...A man and a woman do not necessarily make a family complete...the answer is two loving parents...whether it be mf, ff, mm...So obviously you have adoption, natural birth and exceptional men...I think the church got this all wrong and have perhaps helped cause the spread of forcing men with women...

What I mean by forcing men with women is forcing men to possibly procreate other ordinary men...In which ordinary is a translation for go further into detail...going fatherless, bad ROLE MODEL, splitting after divorce, abusive ...and...on and on...

Why I am a proponent of ff...besides an exceptional man being with an exceptional female...then...their is an exceptional man being their for two exceptional have two loving parents with the man taking more of a role model position for the child... The whole idea of exceptional men is to be father figures, role models to develop other exceptional men. and or exceptional women...That's how you end all in a CAPITALIST World... obviously makes this difficult...however...

To rid the World of Evil is to create No More Evil...while ending the Old...

Well some will say... that is unfair, only the top of the food chain would benefit...Well...that is the idea...and...the rest can go Fuck Themselves...(literally) ...but...literally the phrase speaks for itself...?...obviously you have women who are attracted to ordinary...Now it is important to note that by ordinary I DO NOT MEAN regular blue colored, physical working ordinary I mean lazy, disappearing, Close minded, (fill in the blank) other words ,the Al Bundy type or get the idea...but...perhaps this is a Bad the typical stigma, man has adopted...

The World will destroy itself...eventually... because of folks like yourselves...You ask where evil comes from...yet not realizing it is U creating it...this is how Civilization's the people poor parental skills...This is how evil wins...So keep pointing fingers at everyone but yourselves...keep doing nothing because it has happened before... but pick up a history book perhaps and see what happened afterword...or try adding 2+2 to figure it out...


I always wondered this...but...why are subway stops ...Open...with no barricade between U and the train...or the drop off to the track...opening as the doors to the train I have seen in some Asian films...doesn't this put your life in danger...?...isn't this a liability and opens the state to lawsuits...perhaps the need for a creative attorney...?...


The real reason, perhaps, for all religious head coverings or headwear is to cover bald spots, losing hair, baldness, protect from the for people to feel more comfortable in public...It could have absolutely nothing to do with religion...If for example one were to visit the heavens, I'm willing to bet that all (at least the majority) of women wear hajibs and the majority of men wear THE WOVEN CAPS ...because they are veery likely hairless...the majority of you have if true...but my thoughts says it is likely...hahaha

A mistranslation by someone back in the how religion is all a translation...

so please Continue to wear...if U would not stop on my behalf...I'm just making a statement of my might have differing views...that's OK...I wear a hat 3/4 of the time while inside the house ...or... out on warm days when my head is shaven...or even for stylish reasons

Those who are bald or hairless, perhaps, you should think about covering your heads ...rather than getting hair implanted...just a thought...


One of those subjects, that make me scratch my head...but...same sex marriage...don't get me wrong I am all for it if U feel the need...but...for hetero sexual knowledge as well...marriage is intended as an insurance policy...this claim that it's to start a's an insurance policy, for when U bring children into the picture...well, that is what it is meant for...and only an insurance policy because we choose to live in a CAPITALIST if you plan on having no kids, perhaps, U should give it some thought...

like I have already stated...if you feel the need or want... Congratulations and Good'm only giving you all a heads up...


Many speak of a simulation...well here's a possible thought...A What If type statement...I believe there are earth like planets throughout Universe...they would be each set in different times based on when discovered and started...humans act similarly...and these planets would contain other are in agreement that we have a soul...What If this is all a video type game...and when one goes to translation U go up a level...and life gets easier...and going to hell, in translation one would go down a more difficult times...

I've mentioned before that our soul could be like a thumb drive...possibly plugged in at each perhaps this is a possible explanation of the simulation feeling...perhaps...or...maybe a fairy tale...but reincarnation would explain many...


Consciousness...What is it really...because when a baby is's mind is blank...but slowly the parents, then teachers, and eventually itself teach it knowledge...well if one looks at brain starts off with no consciousness but as it gains more knowledge eventually the consciousness develops...and the smarter it gets the stronger the conscious...making less mistakes as it can remember the past, predict the future, and think the present...the 3 key elements of consciousness...everything else derives off of those 3...

perhaps...based on my understanding of consciousness...

so can machines one day destroy humanity...the answer is Yes, possibly...A Robot starts off with a new chip (the brain)...then a developer programs the chip and teaches it basic functions...then eventually we teach the robot to do machine learning or in other words to learn on it's the same time we are building robots to kill, to end life...well because of machine learning it will eventually develop a conscious...but at the same time we are teaching it toi kill...killing in simple form does not need if no empathy is programmed in...U could possibly have the end of life issue...perhaps...try and disagree with something that tells itself it is always correct...this is all a big perhaps and possibly needs more thought and discussion but Elon's warnings should be taken seriously...perhaps, of course...


With every citizen being forced to pay taxes in a said democracy...being claimed by all...then...why are we all treated like we are in an authoritarian government...crime is getting worse... is one example...(actually crime might be better with a authoritarian) perhaps, the word I was looking for..

.the reason for paying taxes is to be kept safe ...they are doing nothing as crime is consistently getting worse...

Prisons were meant to rehabilitate criminals of the past so they could become productive citizens of make room for the new...not to add to the statistic... this is the reason crime is getting're adding without subtracting...

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