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Thinking Out Loud 63

I wonder if there is infrastructure under the land on Mars...?...Like the infrastructure on Earth would be underwater...?...

Might the moon be hollow it would be lighter to set into place ...and... created for one purpose, maybe two... to light up the night sky...?...and...does the shifting of the tide matter for any reason...?...

judging by all the craters...the moon looks as if it travelled from a distance (perhaps) ...or... the location precision mattered (perhaps)...or...?...if it is hollow then it would be lighter then regular planet of same size...?...


All religion is stuck in the past...And no one realizes it...for the record...there is nothing wrong with Celebrating past traditions...


bunkers are safe enough to protect people but we are burying nuclear waste..?...temporarily put it in a bunker...till we find a better solution...neighbors will have nothing to worry about during an they are already safe in a bunker...?...aren't you told...?...

Can anything be done with nuclear waste...?, dark Bunker storage might be the safest way...?...

Burying it just opens up a can of worms...for an accident waiting to happen...nominate for Darwin vision of what can go wrong...I might not have heard the entire solution so take with a grain of salt...

I can't imagine the waste being exposed ...and... not in a bunker already...


Here we are trying to push 5g ...yet...we are still using devices by way of battery...

rather then push our technological genius....

we hold ourselves back in reality...

some push forward while others push backward...

making us all...still as a whole...

as time will go by...till we have no more to go...

At the same time we hold ourselves back in some...

we advance quickly in others...

perhaps never fully understanding ...but...

prioritizing the monetary...


One can no longer tell where to get the truth...let's face it where not all named Donald, so we don't know it need to be an expert and even then you don't know...when will people realize that they are taking things to they not see the they not see the examples around them...things have been easy for several generations...making us flimsy...But when shit hits the fan...first thing all will the sky while they pray...


Why do spacecraft have lights all over...?...I mean if I where an ET my mission would be to go in and get out...bring as little attention to myself as possible...but these supposed spacecraft have neon lights underneath like they are straight from SEMA and/or they are screaming catch me if you can while flashing headlights...are they fake or are they humorous ET's...?...



Et's possibly took some remaining ancients back with them to there world ...and... there are the they could have regular looking humans as spies...or...there technology might be so advanced that there robots could be indistinguishable to a human... might there be decoy's within humans...?...never underestimate anyone...then again maybe all just science fiction thought...Perhaps...?...Something to think about is that there spies might not even know they are spies...


If one where to have a brain transplant...who would that person be or become...?...would they become the donor ...or... would they simply have the thought of the donor...?...and vice versa...Can the brain retrain a heart...and...can a heart retrain a brain...?...


Certain things make no sense to me...well they actually do...but...they are not in the best by default they make no sense...


Can you not have one giant (Satellite type base)...with solar panels or mirrors closely together...collecting the solar...and then automatically multiplying it... before storing the energy...?...

Instead of thousands of dinky solar panels that will all need updating every few years...???...and take up a lot of real estate...

Might something of this type of design be more rugged...and take up less land for the same amount of energy...possibly a larger investment but possibly a larger return with less replacement...?...Perhaps...?...or might not make sense with cost constantly coming down...?...Perhaps...?...


Can you not put two windmills on one post...front and back...having the power of two windmills taking up the space of one...perhaps with a slight design change...?...Perhaps...?...

Possibly using the momentum of one to help the other...?...

Could balance out weight distribution...?...

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