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Thinking Out Loud 74

Writer's picture: GWGW

if people choose the health risks associated with consuming increased amounts of it really the companies fault...should the said manufacturer be at fault and be required to remedy the situation...??? it the consumer who must own up...???

I think it depends on if the marketing is towards children or adults...Depends on if the marketing is honest and accurate...whether the labeling is designed to deceive or not...

many factors dependent...


I saw an email today that claims to register a person to carry concealed by applying online...not familiar with how this should have to go through safety, target type classes before being approved and that's after all the previous background checks and requirements have been fulfilled...

Honestly I'm not for open carry...I think it's one thing if you are part of the military or police force...but...not for ordinary citizens who use the tactic as a intimidation factor...not for the fact that you are putting thousands of other ordinary citizens at risk...Now you are stepping out of the boundaries of protecting your families...


Is God really a Goddess...???...think about it...there is Man and Woman...Woman gave Birth to Man...Woman mature faster then Men...Then comes the question...Which came first...the chicken or the egg...

Through out history man has always assumed superiority...often holding woman back...Based on evolution we become progressively smarter...starting out from an animalistic state...From the beginning of time brute attitude was used to maneuver ones status showing power over women...Where men designed to be of a warrior mindset while the woman to be of a master mindset...???...Perhaps...


something to think about:

Why do we celebrate High School Graduation...?...I know and understand it's a celebration for completion...but...isn't it just like receiving a participation trophy in a's a requirement...something u have to do...Grant it technically you only have to attend school till your 18...but...that's typically around the age you graduate...Are we at fault for turning our country soft...? soft I am meaning Dumbed halting our education at graduation for some...?

No...Is what I expect you to answer...other countries do it to...Are other countries smarter by definition...maybe...maybe not..

Or is it really because other countries offer free higher education...Perhaps...More people would most likely continue there education...Through out lifetime..

What will the world do about education if and when all jobs are taken by automation...a few will obviously be left ...but... for the best of thee best...


For discussion...don't hate...

but have you all ever wondered if someone going through an actually having the idea hinted through the mind...perhaps a higher power see's the future the child is bound to have and hints...on occasion...perhaps...

Perhaps abortion and adoption is hinted...but person gets stuck on abortion...and does not consider adoption...perhaps drugs come into play...perhaps looks...perhaps mental state...perhaps fear of many kinds...

Perhaps the higher power sees that the unborn child will not overcome adversity...Now I expect all those that faced abortion but overcame name call me everything imaginable...notice I say ...will your situation is irrelevant...

If you think about it and the many kids stuck in poverty from birth...And many never able to overcome adversity...never knowing life can or deserves to be better...

Something to think about...???...This is not an excuse to use ...but... to have the mind wonder...


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