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Thinking Out Loud 87

Writer's picture: GWGW

I wonder if time travel became for real on the same planet, not traveling through space...if one would be able to turn the course of history...What kind of decisions that would affect... down the road...How could you become someone of significance... to have influence...?...without having him, her, them on the inside... who would be aware...

This might be a can of worms opened...

I'm curious if the same decisions... in other forms... reaching the same results...would be...

I wonder if it would be more harmful...then good...

Would people still do the same...if they do not know the result... or if they do know...???

Would they believe anyone...any ways...???

How would the results affect our own history...???

how harmful would the results be...because we live in a capitalistic world...?...we see what some people are willing to do for money...destroying well as self and loved ones in the end...

Would we even notice...history was changed...if we did not know it was changed...

Would our memories be affected or would we still know...What about past experiences...


I wonder... why wonder...when no one has wonder for today...


Everything in this world is for profit...nobody wants just a comfortable have no worries...they all start off in the business world wanting that comfort...but...then when they get a taste of the possibilities they take them to the's all about how many 0's they have in the bank accounts...when they die...Honestly how can you call yourselves moral people...when you drive past a tent two blocks away from your mansion...the worst of it is...your all fine with it...

Not everybody is at the same evolutionary point as's one of the privilege's of attending good schools...your family might have been more might have learned at a different pace because you had better can have a whole multitude of comparing others to self is not realistic and not open for discussion...


as far as trash is decide what kind of World you want to live don't need a rocket science degree to figure out...what happens when one mines out the minerals and replaces them with trash...


We are all one big failed experiment...We fell for the bait...the minerals...the gold...Capi6talism showing it's true colors...I'm not bad mouthing Capitalism but as it is controlling every aspect of life...

We were originally created to be part of the eco-system ...but... somewhere... somehow we decided that we are above it ...and... not part of we think our lives have no meaning... so we destroy meaning for other life around...I ask...What is everybody's end goal...How...What...Where...???


Technically...If the .001% want such disparity in equality... should they not have to pay for that right...?...Its because of the others that they have achieved such riches...Instead they rub in the faces that created the fortunes...not only have they taken ...but... they are destroying the land that technically ...we all own...

They have taken our oils...our gold...our gems...our minerals...poisoned our air...poisoned our waters...destroyed our land...stole our fish...burnt our forests...polluted our oxygen and are willing to choke us while we breathe... and making us pay for them to do this...all while unfit to keep us safe from disasters...Also to mention... they use our young lives to needlessly die for no reason but made up play...

When are we going to finally say...Enough is Enough...


Can President Chump actually with hold funding of California schools... after all its taxpayer money...Not the governments...they don't make money...if thy do off citizens...wouldn't that be illegal...?...technically is it legal for them to make money off loans ...or... fees of any kind or only if paid late...and administrative fees...what would then happen with the a democracy wouldn't one have to be transparent...technically............what am I talking about... U haven't seen his taxes yet...LOL

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