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Thinking Out Loud 89

Writer's picture: GWGW

Improvement in time becomes Regression...why fix... when not broken... except for profit...???...makes one wonder... if change is possible...when not for profit...will greed or evil ever come to sense...perhaps...Perhaps for profit...


Profits for some... have the same affect as...Drugs for others...just in a different light...both being controlled by addiction...

Wouldn't that be reason enough to find a cure for addiction...???...

Might we already have a cure...or be aware...???

Could be the reason for allowing nature to burn...just not all aware...???


Can everyone be Rich...But...Rich in what...???...depends on one's the answer might be ...Yes...


I use the term "Chump"" when referring to Donald...That term is only intended for Donald has no intent for any of his children, family or relatives...Just giving him a taste of his own medicine as he has belittled others...


What happens to one if in an underground bunker...we get struck with an asteroid and deal with an ice age...? they freeze...get trapped as the surface eventually covers in ice after being covered by water...How long do they guarantee survival...or do they...?

With the Earth being now we have drained it of its oil...which made it full...what happens upon impact by an asteroid...does it possibly blow up...?...does it cave in?...does it set fire temporarily... as it would be followed by a tsunami or tsunami's...possibly from both ends of the world...

If one happens to be in a plane upon impact...what GPS might not work the planet gets pushed off course...where do you do you survive...???...has anyone ever brought these questions to the table...

or has everyone been sold On the Mars experiment...We still send astronaut's in suits after years of training...and...they can't get farther then the moon...???..How is this Mars experiment supposed to work...???

These last few posts are hypothetical questions for now...not trying to cause a avoid will need to answer...unless the plan is to give up...then we become a chapter in the history books...


Hell is on earth... that's why evil is trying to take control... over people ...and... ultimately cause the end of the World...It's all in the translation...Good will be losing to evil until good finally has a society that is more intelligent then evil...intelligence is how you defeat all evil...when one has good doing the same as will only match evil...and...never win...or... take the lead...Hence the World today...One may think he or she is doing good intention...but...not realize there actions are being manipulated by evil or in translation by

the Devil...


Careful trying to manipulate nature before nature turns on you...a human error...even with good intentions can be manipulated...take example of Corona...take example of the damage done...take example at what speed...only a flu you still have no solution for a simple flu...ohhh money in the possible solution...

Is a Flu shot a cure...?...hardly if people still die...


Intelligent life does not settle with wars or violence...that's why they are referred to as intelligent...

Intelligent people do not argue with the unintelligent

to be evil minded to be... confused...

Most folks are kind hearted until one involves money or power...but the two go hand in hand...a lot of evil helps causes...with good intentions...when no money is return...

Think...why is it always thoughtless people involved in violence...fights...arguments...negative comments...etc...

wars...doing the same as 1000's of years ago...after evolution was suppose to take course...

Proof that smart... does not equate to intelligence...translation...this World is being run by unintelligent Leaders...Yet we allow them to protect us...unbelievable...Does this make every leader lacking intelligence...?...technically...YES...might they get Mad...?............well...only if are indeed...unintelligent...


Why aren't there earphones that are automatically hearing aids and possibly automatic translation...with volumes for each adjustable through an app......maybe this is pointless as hearing aids have Bluetooth...but...perhaps an idea...


There was talk before about Apple getting rid of the headphone plug...I guess with wireless it makes sense...but...why... when wireless aren't ready for prime least mine aren't...granted they aren't the newest version...but unless wireless charging is figured out...don't be in such a hurry...

Perhaps...wireless charging through the case that holds the earphones...???...earphones could start charging at tone while still in ear...rather then inserting into case..................I'm not a doctor...just an don't start negative

On a side note...I have earphones that connect to the (I think it's called) the fire plug...just one do you charge while listening...???


One could be smart... but... not be the same time one might not be the sharpest tool in the intelligent...


How come a 4 year term President...chooses the Supreme Court judges...

Technically ...if he/ / she is to choose judges...they should only hold seats for 4 years...while he / she is in charge.....Ultimately its the people who should choose the Supreme Court judge...why have the opinion of choose a justice...who will rule law... over all others............think about it...


the evolution of life...starts with complication... as experiences be new...

in time...FAST...yet...SLOW...they become simpler solutions...

as KNOWLEDGE evolves from empty on up...

our creative desires grow and grow...



Since we where so great in past history...pioneering so many accomplishments....what is the excuse today...why do many live in poverty...why are we dyeing needlessly... why is work being taken away if we believe Capitalistically...why...and...why ...I ask you WHY...


Should copy right still exist... when original is broadcast on public television...In one way it is being forced on long as not making profit on...???

That same question applies to free online services like You Tube...???

This also applies to music or media broadcast through free services or radio...???

Take the NFL for example...they broadcast after every game that it is copyright material...but is it...when they broadcast over CBS or FOX...?...I understand when it is a Thursday night game on the NFL's a pay channel...but it shouldn't be on public access channels...if one is using for no profit...

but digging deeper

What if you are paying for the service...should one still have to worry about copyright if one is not using for profit...?...isn't your fee translated as a fee for the right to use the material and not worry about copyright...? long as one is not using for profit...

This sounds silly to even one that greedy to claim copyright...when not used for a profit by another... copyright exist already... if not using for profit...but...I am confusing with those always trying to profit...therefore copyright exists...


Is the goal of an entrepreneur to be comfortable to where one has no it to make enormous profits at all cost...?...when do you decide it's enough...or does one never consider...or does being an entrepreneur become addictive where it becomes a game and you will screw people as a drug addict will steal from people...?...addiction hides in all shades...will greed allow one to admit to self...if addiction does indeed exist.........but...

not by me...

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