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Thinking Out Loud 99

Writer's picture: GWGW

Can U sue a news organization 4 reporting fake news on you (if U Prove it)...aren't they responsible to fact check info before reporting it...?...technically it's not news if's called fiction...newspapers need to fact check even if anonymous source...don't they...?... Isn't it public slander otherwise...?...How can fake news be other than opinion...therefore it shouldn't be allowed to be reported as news...

How about public agencies in a "democracy" isn't it illegal to falsify information on a citizen...especially by a "democratic" government...This isn't Communism therefore it must have a distinction...

And some may wonder..."What are we doing wrong"


Thoughts to ponder:

Did Jesus subconsciously commit suicide so that he could reincarnate at a later time...?

How many people where Jesus reincarnations...but never came to that realization...?...Who...?...


Through time and evolution the hope is to gain intelligence......that's the theory...a part has and the rest clearly have not...The want for wars was to disappear...Homelessness was to get housed...Illnesses were to be sacked...To go hungry was to be no more...To thrive was the goal...


Instead what came about was the reversal of evolution to many......The want for wars became a need...Homelessness became abundant...Illnesses became scores...To go hungry is to be more...We Failed was the result...

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