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Thinking Out Loud in Words 145

Writer's picture: GWGW

...I think the key to eating more insects would be to not know....meaning prepare dishes to trick the eye...Don't prepare whole...make tasty health benefits...cost in comparison...



Perhaps...I don't remember if I mentioned this B4...but...U should earn Ur right to purchase a gun...perhaps after a few safety classes, target practice, etc...perhaps back ground checks would B made at that time and whatever when U complete the process than U can purchase a gun at a shop or gun show...

but U shouldn't be allowed to enter a gun show without a license or accompanied by a licensed adult, if under age..., anyways..

bad guy's don't follow U have to hold the sellers or manufacturers responsible because they R the source...and how do U fix a problem...?...U fix the source...

The law is U need to B licensed to purchase ...but...what the hell R U doing at a gun show, if unlicensed ...U can admire pictures...if U really admire guns that much then go through the process ...whether U will buy or not...Also somehow the fees need to B dealt with...otherwise people will cut corners...

Perhaps taking classes would eliminate fees,,,?...Perhaps U would need continued classes every so least a target practice type of moving targets in a house...

U don't want to shoot Bill, next door, who is having a midnight snack...with cookie cutter houses and walls as thin as they R...this is a precaution U have to take...when purchasing a gun...


We ere meant to B least in warm times of year or climates...(lol, I try)...but it's

Hair is an inconvenience...

Physique and diet is suppose to B part of our lifestyle...Physique and diet helps overall health...which drives down health costs...Big Pharma isn't going to save U...Diet and Physique will, along with healthy maintenance...


...For open minded individuals...all others skip...

Did Giant people exist with the Dinosaurs...perhaps an ET version...?...What happens if U do not earn immortality or even when U do...what happens with the soul...are we set up to do a loop of life...I understand the end game at the next level...of immortality and how that would be accomplished...but what happens to the soul...


Masculinity...some might be confused on the term...I define fear of nothing...the majority define it as a show of likes and behaviors...that's perhaps how one would define stupidity...


Is home schooling what was meant...?...we were not meant to earn technically therefore it is a mother who is to raise the child till adulthood...we raise till they start pre-school...

technically we weren't meant to marry...males like males in the animal kingdom would have to earn the right to (conceive a child) with a does this mean that females R meant to be with females and then choosing a male to mate with who has earned the her views...?...perhaps...But think about this...

Just because U R a male, or female who is single, lonely or financially successful does not mean U deserve a mate of opposite sex...

Just observe lionesses with cubs in the wild...


a higher learning education, perhaps, was not meant to earn financially but to advance the World... For this to work, in order to sell onto others...all would have to believe their is a purpose to us playing this game of least all would need to believe in a next level...


Public Schools offer a band aid...Private Schools offer surgery...Home schooling offers an implant or replacement...perhaps...


When people say they found God...they just stopped listening to Evil over talk God...

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