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Thinking Out Loud in Words 188

Writer's picture: GWGW
  • 188

  • Will we in the future have mainly office space in the Meta...?...Will many current office buildings B converted to Verticle farming...?...will the commute be gone...?...For Meta to truly succeed I feel it should B open source...Everybody who has an idea could test it and eventually share it with others, collaboration is how things get done...It might make sense for a social media company that is trying to create a social Universe to have social participation in creating...Just a suggestion, not my call...

  • But genetics can be adjusted...but...someone has to start...What's more important is your parent's status in your development...DNA can be improved...but...the status of your parents gives a bump forward, especially in the speed of your development...perhaps...

  • Simple solution ...develop a culture that is not crime-minded...Now before your panties get in a bunch...I know & realize the harassment, lack of opportunities, and all that...but you have to put yourself in an officer's shoes as well...They risk their lives trying to clean up soon as they take 1 criminal off the street...2 more take the place of...

  • then the lack of a rehabilitation system...and opportunity...the arrested will likely still do the same... now having 3 for 1 arrested... in which the arrest then meant nothing...this is how their frustration develops...they start off with hope...but...then naturally adjust...Before U Hollar again...I know there're exceptions...It's just that someone needs to be the adult...and not retaliate physically...or with words driven by everyone's frustration at the time...Most officers have good intentions...but...the bad apples steal the spotlight...

  • viruses are temporary unless left untreated ...perhaps...The problem is no one is trying to treat... just trying to develop a vaccine...

  • U know ETs were at least interplanetary allowing them to experiment with gene editing...we have cages...

  • As long as people will create a market... someone will fill it...Keep offering assistance for nothing in return...and ...then blame some...wait that's what U are doing ...and... it's still not working...?...sarcastic...offer rehab and incentivize...perhaps

  • watching Real Estate shows in the past I often heard...I'm selling a lifestyle... that's the problem, the mentality...What is bought is often Not Earned...

  • For those against Crypto...U do realize that cash is more crypto than crypto...At least Crypto must go through a goes directly to hand...WHICH COULD B THE REASON SOME HATE CRYPTO...

  • Health Care is meaningless unless You make an effort to keep healthy...

  • Corporate deserves blame...but...U do as well for obesity...U let yourself be fooled...shame on them...but...if they keep on doing it then shame on You...

  • not all calories are the same...

  • Exercise for weight loss can be almost pointless if U eat... so fast often for the best results...but...don't overdo things...

  • The effort works...but... The Blame does not...

  • when does everyone realize they could be lied to because the majority are still overweight and doing nothing ...but...waiting for a pill...

  • Bought usually by the parents...

  • they spend those high dollars because it's obviously did you believe Soda, made from seltzer, made from water, becomes sweet...?...

  • If people were guaranteed basic survival tools like a shelter...Homelessness would be Illegal...

  • The Stupid don't think they are stupid...while...The Smart pretend they are...

  • the only genius in 2x4 framing is that it's probably cheaper than 4x4 framing...has anyone seen what a hurricane does to a 2x4 framed home...Held together with nails...?.Nails are also cheaper than predrilling and bolting...

  • Besides speed and End cost because of time added, is there any benefit of nails over bolts or screws for framing...with 4x4s...?.

  • Just today I happened to B thinking of the Video Game concept of life, as often I do...Dealing with life is so comparable to a video game scenario...It's like yourself playing against the computer...all evil or negative being the computer and your job is to win all obstacles...with good directing U...but at the same time, U collect all points to make the next other earn your life, by U can go on to the next...

  • with self-learning couldn't U eventually teach yourself a personality...positive or negative type...once U figure out what the capabilities of having the attitude...If AI is constantly taught to destroy... could it figure out the capacity it might have ...if it were to destroy all...?.

  • I think many parts of the U.S. and even the World should B unbuilt and back to nature... I think the suburbs should B rethought...I think housing needs to B rethought...I think we need to start thinking towards a future, ...if we intend to have one ...and... not necessarily just the present for the now with the attitude of me for success only ...and... currently...

  • I mentioned earlier in a post about steroid use...let me be clear...because it will be taken out of context...I was meaning very low to low dose mainly for rehabilitation ( so U feel yesterday's gains in today's performance ) ...but also... to bring out the potential...I was not meaning the massive amounts used today...Just so we are clear...I've been rehabilitating for a long while and used doctor-prescribed once or twice and greatly felt the benefits they provide...but...I have also used cannabis in low-dose quantities also and felt the great benefits it provides my thinking, although untested is that if I combine the two low doses they will equate to a larger dose in a safe manner...I asked my doctor about a daily low-dose steroid, in the past...but...he didn't recommend my next question will be for a 3/week M, W, F ...and...then next...

  • T, Th, Sat...combined with low dose cannabis in between...or/ and with... that's the thought... as of now...although untested...

  • I keep hearing excuses for the all excuses excuse over 30 trillion...or...are the excuses for a manageable amount...?...Just curious...

  • If it's complicated then it's wrong...

  • Stars could B like street a graph...of the Universe...

  • how did stars turn on...?.

  • U need a spark to start a fire...or...Heat which can cause a spark...

  • Disability is only a speed Bump...that U need to get over...

  • One can try cheating opens a world of a negative aspect...I don't think we will ever know enough about technology not to have problems...the most U can do for Ur offspring is to educate yourselves then your offspring...perhaps...educating yourself does not only improve one cell ...but... it has the potential to modify many your thinking changes, your way of life changes, your interests change... which all can lead to positive change or improvement...for many of your genes...

  • The improvement of your genes can also benefit your born offspring as it will lead U to change your environment and associations which largely come with the environment...

  • We R talking Crisper Babies...but...we haven't figured out how to make meat yet, perhaps...or...even organs...for transplants...

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