Just to clue everyone in...U do not make a better World by destruction...This includes others and self...With many translations...
Honestly, home prices should not increase...For nothing done...Home price points set the value for the neighborhood...
The way they make us play inflation "well, no words"...or I'll get in trouble...at least I would upset someone...
This appreciation over time...I think we got conned...because a home is supposed to depreciate over time...unless Work is Done...
Land value is supposed to stay the same unless Work is Done...adding value...
Soldiers join the military to defend their country...then they die attacking another...
Would terrorists exist if no one attacked one another...?.This includes Governments attacking their people...Policies could mean an attack...
How do U decide What is...and...isn't Misinformation...when those claiming to have the information might have been misinformed...or...purposefully feeding U misinformation for selfish reasons...or...to push agendas...
Can't U have manual controls like steering and acceleration/ breaking in an electrically powered car...?... without allowing another to gain control of...maliciously...
or...electric running a combustion motor without the combustion...?...using electricity to turn the Crank and... electrically pulling the pistons, which might not even be needed... or/ and...even electrically turning the camshaft ...
would using electricity to run combustion equate to more power or less than...?...Could U combine the above with electricity at the wheels or would U only turn the wheels as fast as the motor at the wheels...will allow...?...would one add to the output of the other...or would it be limited...by the other...?.
Current Capitalism ...run how we run it...continues to make us slaves of one another...some get their own room in the house while most sleep in the crowded shed...
this is another possibility or scenario that just crossed my mind...I'm not saying it will or would happen...but...a possibility of what could maybe......the chances this would happen is probably low...but I'll mention it anyway...I've stated before how I believe oil is in the ground to act as a dampener upon the impact of an asteroid...Well with us leaving now a Gap where oil once was...Does this mean that upon impact the Earth would explode or catch fire..?....a fire would be put out by the tsunami that would follow...so...I guess where that asteroid would hit the Earth...would then Dictate what would happen...
Let's say ...land is leased for up to your life .......U add value, by adding some sort of development... and can then sell....to another for their lease...If no value is added, then can sell for the same price as purchased...or...what U consider the best offer...but...not for more. unless multiple bids...
What if an inflationary value was added every so often...but...to all money...in addition to temporary proper availability inflation...to deal with increased added values...over time... either this...or resets when values get too high...
perhaps men on one side and women on the other...?...Could work, in some places...but...be disastrous in others...However, I can think of a few where it would possibly help their cultural beliefs...but... I don't believe Men shouldn't hire women...I think everyone needs to grow thicker skin...I think many men need to learn control and figure out this common sense thing...I also think the term abuse gets abused many times by a few spoiled apples on both sides...Many also abuse not realizing that they are abusing...but...at the same time some scream abuse when the other may not be intending abuse. but interpretations are different...
Men and Women should be both Dangerous yet keep it under control... Think about it...but...also apply this Belief in aspects other than literal...
If it eats, then it breaths...If it breaths, then it eats...as it grows...perhaps...