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Thinkingg Out Loud in Words...129

Writer's picture: GWGW

... Question to ponder...would it be possible to reset prices...that's the only solution I currently see...without raising wages and then raising with inflation...

With increased prices you have to have an increase in taxes because everything is more expensive...but...without an increase in get pissed citizens...because they now have tighter and tighter they spend less...which hurts the economy...

which would hurt your bottom U just say something is on sale which is only because your markup is so high...and... U prepare for sales...but people still fall for this and think they R getting a deal on something that cost a couple of bucks to make but costs a ridiculous markup...but...I guess still a deal compared to the original cost...but still it costs pennies on the dollar to produce...especially overseas...

the only solution I ever hear is growing the population...but...that hurts families even young adults get higher education... to get better the same time they graduate... and try to start a life... they now have debt before they make their first check...and it's not the good kind... because U have to be a millionaire or billionaire for it to be good...besides most education does not prepare them for life... so the few savvy say if I can do it so can you...but... not everyone is created equal ...and... not everyone has the same opportunities...or...the same parenting, preparing them for life...Parenting is a skill where one needs empathy to master, along with the discipline to continue...

The 1% doesn't even take notice because U have more money than U know what to do with...and besides it's probably an accountant paying your bills...and U just note that the increase is because of inflation...but...the thought of families struggling because of the inflation doesn't even cross your minds...U made more because of the inflation also, which could cause U even less concern...


U know virginity wasn't meant to wait till you marry...It wasn't meant to even BE for your husband...(even though man HAD made the original rule but then blamed it on God) ...It was meant for when you are ready to conceive a child...If you stay healthy, don't party hard, stay off birth control...then you would probably have a choice of not having a baby out of wedlock, having a choice of whether to have the baby at a young age or when your older and have finished your career...This is all common sense from I am not telling anyone what to do...just sharing info or my opinion...


Let's think out loud about a typical human cycle or life span...not all but typical...

born...breast milk might be discouraged... baby food... which is for-profit...

toddler...high sugar, fructose, sugary drinks are marketed...

school-age...bad diet, more sugar is marketed...

teen...begins experimenting with alcohol, drugs, sex, smoking...some begin their addictions...not to mention a bad diet...pregnancy...some kids having kids while still being kids...birth control pills...

young adult...some addicted, hard-partying, more of the above...majority start families while trying to start careers...on the hunt for marriage...

adult...early debt, stress because of debt, and general stress, some already divorced 1, 2, 5 times...some still addicted, young - older kids in second place due to addictions, careers, affairs... high-fat diet...out of shape...some on 2nd or 5th marriage...

seniors...poor health, poor fitness, continue the poor diet...some under medicated...some over medicated...some underweight...some overweight...

But we scream for healthcare...?... I wonder why...Yet somehow we believe that health care will save us...or some miracle cure created by man.....are we seriously believing this...?... If we don't save ourselves then we are just profits for man...

At all ages, we take and expect a single pill to cure us...with our lifestyles and the want for a miracle pill, the pesticides, the drugs that are given to our meats, the sanitation issues in our lives, the pollutants we create which lead to the pollutions of our lands where we grow our energy and raise our livestock,...the waters in which we bathe, need to survive, grow our fish ...and the air we can anyone believe in a disease-free world...and blame God...Not to mention all the Evils man chooses to create towards other men...

I once heard a crazy statistic that 40% of pregnancies are out of wedlock... That means that 40% had kids without necessarily wanting them or being ready to take on the job at the time...Some overcome the challenges while others failed at the responsibilities... and we ask why evil exists when we ourselves create it...


Things that make U go ...huh...?...

18 is considered to be an adult while technically still being a teenager...

21 is the legal drinking age while already being an adult for 3 years...

Does no one think this is shady...?... Technically you are not considered an adult till obviously 21 but they consider U one at I am not for dropping the drinking age...I would however consider extending school perhaps, any ideas...?... I have a few based on what I would add but would have trouble adding based on how quickly school is over...

Another possibility would be extending it two years for college-bound students...Some will find it funny that I'm so much for school, considering my track record in the past...but...perhaps the reasons for doing so poorly were to realize just how little I had to learn, in order to pass...

I think U are considered an adult at 18 so U can sign up for the military... you could sign loan documents...while still having a manipulative brain...or basically having the ability to be brainwashed, to do as your told...

U are rushed out of school because of the older times of wars and to get into factory jobs...this has never been updated...but this is what people refer to when they say..."Make America Great Again" Compared to when...?... I ask... Even when America has had prosperous times...100's of 1000's of families lost loved ones due to I ask again "as Compared to when"...the years in between...?... We were just getting ready for the next War...Yes, I do believe that people should experience suffering and hard times...but...Wars are taken out of context and are a way of cheating on what life was meant to be...

Those who have suffered in the past obviously do not want their young to suffer as they did...but... there are ways of suffering without going through the pains U had...teaching them discipline, self-care and the ways of survival in situations will perhaps provide a base for them to figure out life's curveballs...


The way education is constructed in America and I suppose around the world is to create misfits or lost then be shaped by the all starts at U don't have the parenting at home, it's not the school's responsibility to raise your kid...they are there to shape your child...but...the will and want has to be taught at home...basically it's all connected not to bring up but rather to keep one down...One can's not done on purpose...but...that it is how it is...but being an adult at 18 puts a question mark in my mind...Although many fine men have been shaped by the the same time... to match...many broken or damaged men have the same time...


what I would be exact I'm not sure yet, but open...

parenting, nurturing, empathetic type of classes... or... an extension of health or both...

financial type...because we chose a Capitalistic World...Even though I feel rewards in life should be earned

survival type skills, using the resources around U, options available in worst-case scenarios, the basics when tough times hit...etc...

I would add more creativity to current classes...lesson plans R only a standard but creativity is always up to the teacher...that's how U separate the great from the ordinary...

These types of skills I think should be added throughout the school years...instead of just one class, which you would quickly forget...

I hope nobody thinks that I am going backward ...but... these are skills the majority of us are missing...when U know the basics, then more advanced lessons in life R easier to figure out...but... first U would need to teach, how to figure out...

I think and am excited about a whole new industry in educational video game development...I think these could be played instead of having homework...I think all not just kids would learn or grasp subjects quicker ultimately upping the academic landscape...


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